Nupenparken 11.06.06
Parken ligger mellom strandpromenaden og gjestehavnen i Kristiansand. Den røde bygningen i bakgrunnen er Sjøhuset som er kjent for sin gode sjømat.
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  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2006-06-14 19:44:22
    Versjon #2
  • Lagt inn: 2006-06-14 19:50:13
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Kritikker (3)
Georg K.

Photo isn't sharp !
Not every photo needs too - but in this case - I really think it should.
Beside of this - my very, very personal opinion - the image is boring !
Doesn't sound nice - I know - but then again - for someone who really do not know the place you show- what is there I could learn from this image - what should catch my interest - why do I want to spend time on it ?
I can't see one single person in a way that I would have a chance to connect - I see a semi-modern park area with some fountains in it - there is a blue sky - and a quite common building in the background.
It seems that you have been taking this shot from a very regular position - not lower, not higher - there is nothing really to find as main-subject, main focus point - really serious - all I see is emptiness in eternity.

If you like the place - mood - people - sky - or whatsoever - go closer - picture what you really saw - and what you believe makes this place worth a photo of general interest.

Probably not new - old saying - if you photo isn't exciting enough - you haven't been close enough.

Roy H.

Thank's for your comment George, it is interesting reading. I guess the picture have more value to me than to others.
I will apply more sharpening and post another version soon.
Mvh Roy
Roy H.

Har nå lagt ut nye oppskarpede versjoner.
Mvh Roy
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